The Datafile PD-CD 1 Issue 2
PDCD-1 - Issue 02.iso
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Text File
290 lines
set $discmd FALSE
write-message "[Setting up....]"
; If you screen "SNOWS", comment this line
set $flicker "FALSE"
; To use an IBM-PC EGA card, uncomment the following line
; set $sres "EGA"
;macro 1 to toggle function key help display
add-global-mode magic
add-global-mode exact
add-global-mode asave
add-global-mode "blue"
add-global-mode "YELLOW"
add-global-mode cmode
;set $sres 12
set $ssave TRUE
set $asave 0
set $sscroll TRUE
execute-file "ue_mac_rc"
;{{{ bind procedures to macros
;{{{ 1=help
1 store-macro
execute-procedure help
;{{{ 2=clear-pick
2 store-macro
execute-procedure clear-pick
;{{{ 3=pick-line
3 store-macro
execute-procedure pick-line
;{{{ 4=move-line
4 store-macro
execute-procedure move-line
;{{{ 5=copy-pick
5 store-macro
execute-procedure copy-pick
;{{{ 6=put-buffer
6 store-macro
execute-procedure put-buffer
;{{{ 7=copy-to-fold
7 store-macro
execute-procedure copy-to-fold
;{{{ 8=copy-line
8 store-macro
execute-procedure copy-line
;{{{ 9=delete-line
9 store-macro
execute-procedure delete-line
;{{{ 10=pick-region
10 store-macro
execute-procedure pick-region
;{{{ ; 21 - create-fold macro
; 21 - create-fold macro
21 store-macro
execute-procedure create-fold
;{{{ ; 22 - enter fold/file
;22 - enter fold/file
22 store-macro
!if &seq $ltype LSOFOLD
!force enter-fold
execute-procedure t-enter-filed
;{{{ ; 23 - exit fold/file
; 23 - exit fold/file
23 store-macro
!force exit-fold
!if ¬ $status
execute-procedure t-exit-filed
;{{{ ; 24 - exit file
; 24 - exit fold/file
24 store-macro
execute-procedure t-exit-filed
;{{{ ; 32 - display current line
; display the current line number in message window
32 store-macro
write-message $curline
write-message "[Binding function keys]"
;{{{ ; ***** Rebind the Function key group
; ***** Rebind the Function key group
bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FN1
bind-to-key execute-macro-4 FN3
bind-to-key execute-macro-8 FN4
; some twin bindings
bind-to-key set-mark FN6
bind-to-key kill-region S-FN8
bind-to-key delete-fold M-^K
;{{{ ; arc cursor keys
; arc cursor keys!
bind-to-key previous-line FNF
bind-to-key next-line FNE
bind-to-key forward-character FND
bind-to-key backward-character FNC
bind-to-key previous-page S-FNF
bind-to-key next-page S-FNE
bind-to-key next-word S-FND
bind-to-key previous-word S-FNC
bind-to-key beginning-of-file FN^F
bind-to-key end-of-file FN^E
bind-to-key beginning-of-line FN^C
bind-to-key end-of-line FN^D
bind-to-key delete-next-character S-FN^E
write-message "[folding keys]"
;!if &seq $progname "uEmacs"
;{{{ fold key bindings
bind-to-key enter-fold FNN
bind-to-key exit-fold FNP
bind-to-key execute-macro-22 M-FNN
bind-to-key execute-macro-23 M-FNP
bind-to-key open-fold FNH
bind-to-key close-fold FNJ
bind-to-key execute-macro-21 FNG
bind-to-key remove-fold FN^P
bind-to-key quick-exit FN^H
; FNB is copy key - copy top line of fold to comment line
macro-to-key copy-to-fold FNB
macro-to-key copy-to-fold FNL ; 5 on keypad
; macro-to-key auto-fold ^A
bind-to-key searchfold-forward ^S
bind-to-key searchfold-reverse ^R
;{{{ set fold marks
write-message "[fold marks.................................]"
; set fold marks
; file extensions
set-fold-marks "c" "/*{{{ " "/*}}}*/" "*/"
set-fold-marks "h" "/*{{{ " "/*}}}*/" "*/"
set-fold-marks "occ" "--{{{ " "--}}}" ""
set-fold-marks "inc" "--{{{ " "--}}}" ""
set-fold-marks "pgm" "--{{{ " "--}}}" ""
set-fold-marks "cfs" "/*{{{ " "/*}}}*/" "*/"
set-fold-marks "mak" "#{{{ " "#}}}" ""
set-fold-marks "tt" "/*{{{ " "/*}}}*/" "*/"
set-fold-marks "rc" ";{{{ " ";}}}" ""
set-fold-marks "hdl" "#{{{ " "#}}}" ""
; arc file types...
set-fold-marks "Text" "{{{ " "}}}" ""
set-fold-marks "Obey" "| {{{ " "| }}}" ""
set-fold-marks "Command" "| {{{ " "| }}}" ""
set-fold-marks "Data" "/*{{{ " "/*}}}*/" "*/"
set-fold-marks "tex" "%% start-fold: " "%% end-fold" ""
set-fold-marks "*" "{{{" "}}}" ""
;{{{ normal bindings
;bind-to-key beginning-of-line FN<
;bind-to-key end-of-line FN>
;{{{ set readhook
20 store-macro
; arc version - uses new variable $cftype
write-message "[read-hook]"
;{{{ c or h ?
!if &or &seq $cftype "c" &seq $cftype "h"
add-mode cmode
;{{{ mss ?
!if &seq $cftype "mss"
add-mode "wrap"
;{{{ occ or inc ?
!if &or &seq $cftype "occ" &seq $cftype "inc"
add-mode "cmode"
;{{{ tex
!if &seq $cftype "tex"
add-mode "cmode"
add-mode "wrap"
; !force add-mode magic
; !if %t-lstflg
; !force execute-procedure t-listbuf
; !endif
set $readhook execute-macro-20
;bind-to-key next-buffer M-FNN
!force add-mode exact
!force add-mode magic
!force add-global-mode exact
!force add-global-mode magic
set $softtab 0
set $hardtab 3
set $discmd TRUE
write-message "[Setup done]"